Branding and SuperModel Model Application

Thank you for showing interest in this new exciting opportunity to participate in the Branding and SuperModel model calls!! 

I needed some new branding photos and I realized that even though they are perfect to share with my boudoir group but that I did not want to share them publicly or on my social media.  I didn't want my teenage son or my husband's boss' mom to see me in a picture that had a little bit too much cleavage for my comfort level. It really got me thinking, if ME A BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER doesn't want to share her own images for the public to see, then my clients must be struggling with the same problem! I have all these amazing images, but I can't share them and it's maddening!! 

I have been toying around with offering Beauty and Branding pictures for a while now, and this only made the decision easy for me, adding Branding and SuperModel sessions is exactly what I need to start offering for all my amazing ladies! Not everyone wants to show their images, but everyone deserves to have pictures of them that they feel and look good in especially in today's social media society. 

I really want to practice my craft and get some new samples to share with the world which is why you are reading this model call!! 

Here is what I need and am looking for:

*Professionals who have a trade or a business

*Someone who has their own outfits for the SuperModel Session (these are different for everyone, it could be a beautiful gown, it could be an edgy outfit, it's whatever makes you feel like a supermodel, imagine a cover of a Vogue magazine) 

*Someone who is available during the week during the day sometime in the next 2 weeks. 

*Must sign a full model release form

As a thank you I am not charging a Model Fee and you do get to select 2 of your favorite images to be beautifully edited which includes the high-resolution digital download. 

Your Information

Release Terms

I hereby give permission to CRYSTALIZED PHOTOGRAPHY to use my photos and likeness in all forms and media for advertising, portfolio, demo, trade, stock photography, editorial, altering without restrictions, and all other lawful purposes. I understand I am entitled to no compensation. I release the photographer of all forms of claims and liability related to my photo usage. I am over 18 years of age, and I fully understand the terms of this release.

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Thank you for contacting us!

Thank you so much for your interest in this model call! I appreciate your willingness to help me branch into this exciting new experience for my clients!! 

I will be reviewing the applications over the next few days and will be contacting the individuals that get selected via email!! 

Thank you again for your continued support!


Much love,


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